Garrison Funnies

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Garrison loves candy!

The lighting wasn't to good, but i hope that you can see what is happening here. We had some starbursts the other night and garrison was loving them, but they were to hard to just let him eat a whole one so we were biting off a corner and giving it to him. Well he got so impatient that he would see the corner in our mouth as we were biting it off and then he would just come and eat it out of our mouth. Looks like he is kissing Dallin, but really he is eating the candy that he had just bitten off for Garrison. I guess we are Birds =)

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow! I'm so glad you guys are okay! How blessed that everyone, especially Garrison and baby Bird, weren't hurt more than that! I miss you guys! I wish we could all just be closer.
