Garrison Funnies

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kaiden is 2 months!!!

Happy Sabbath! 

Kaiden is two months. He slept from 9-5 last night! 

Got to go back to the Rexburg temple for our anniversary! Best anniversary yet! 6 years we were married on a Saturday too :-) Dallin was at high adventure and it just so happened they were on their way home and driving through Rexburg. So my mom and I and the kids drove up, picked Dallin up at the park and then they watched the kids while we went to the temple. We did an Endowment session

After we got our of the temple.

Dallins birthday!

Happy Fathers Day to this awesome guy! I couldn't get all the boys in a picture together. This is the best I could do. 

Sleepy baby. He slept from 8-7. Then 7:30-11:30. Should I wake him or let him sleep..... Wish I would have known he was going to sleep all morning 😀

Silly Fishies - By Garrison BIrd 4.9 years old

There was two little fishies that were silly and they saw something in front of them and that was a big naughty shark. So they ran away. So they reached their treehouse and were finally safe but more sharks came and could fly. So they could only fly how high their treehouse is. So the fishies flyed really high and other good guys came and fought the bad ones. And they lived happily ever after. And all the sharks were gone. And all the bad guys were gone. THE END!

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