Garrison Funnies

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Fall

Garrison fell down my moms stairs on saturday. It was a pretty traumatic thing to those of you who have ever heard your child fall down their stairs, it pretty much makes your heart stop. The really hard part is that she has wooden stairs. He was trying to give Dallin a shoe, not sure why, but toppled down to the bottom of the stairs and bit through his lip. Luckily it wasn't bad enough to go through the hospital and get stiches. Although he did bite all the way through from the inside of his mouth to the outside. He has a little bit mark just underneath his bottom lip and a big ol' fatty lip on the inside. Both are healing very good. He lets me put "medicine" (antibiotic ointment) on it every couple of hours, so hopefully it heals well, you can't see the wound unless he leans his head back. So we were very blessed, now he has to walk down the stairs with someone.

Other than the fall we had a great 4th of July. We all got to sleep in til 9:30 almost 10. Garrison is a great little sleeper! We had a yummy breakfast with eggs, hashbrowns, apple cinnamon rolls and bacon! We went for a nice long walk and Garrison got to play on the playground, then we went swimming and Garrison was excited but freaked out at the same time. He had a super grip on me the whole time in the pool. So needless to say he got another night of great sleep! About 12-13 hours. Now as I type this he is sitting in the kitchen eating and evey few minutes he will shout, "MOM!! BLUE"(meaning blueberries), or "MOM!!! MILK!!!!" He is such an amazing and funny kid and is talking all the time. He can put two or three words together and say things like Mom Help ME, sometimes he adds a please in their. He is learning the alphabet and can point out each letter. He can count to 3. I just can't believe how quickly they grow up.

He loves to help. He would wash all the dishes, sweep the floor and do the laundry if he was a bit bigger. He also loves to help in the garden. We will walk around it and look at all the plants growing and he walks right to the pees, and says, "NUM NUM!" and will grab a little pee pod and eat it. He would eat all of the if I let him.

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