Garrison Funnies

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jacobs First Date

Monday 17, 2009
So this was Jacobs first official date. I met his date at a bird family function the day before. We were celebrating Tiffanys homecoming. Her name is Shannon and she is working on her Masters and she is only 20. She is really an awesome girl.
This was probably one of the most fun dates I have been on. We went to craigos and sat in a booth. Then we all loaded up our plates and had a speed round of eating. So everyone had 10 secs to eat as much as they could and then pass the plate to their left.
After that we tied our hands to each others and had to feed the other person. This included giving them a drink or wiping their face is they needed it. This is a great ice breaker for first time daters=) Then with hands still tied we got up and loaded more food onto our plates. Then instead of sitting across from each other we sat next to the person that we were tied with. Dallin and I were having a pretty good time.
Finally our wrist started hurting so we untied our selves and got up to get dessert pizza. We pulled out our game of Fact or crap and if you answered the questions right you got to take a bit of your pizza. Shannon won. Jake had two slices and it was a close second between him and Dallin and I was dead last. Its ok because I am not a huge fan of dessert pizza. After that everyone felt huge and fat. Dallin went to go play frisbee, i fell asleep on the couch watching a show about people that carve flowers out of fruit (amazing by the way, food channel) and Jake and Shannon went to play frisbee golf. It was a fun night. I am glad we got to go on a double with jake, he is an awesome guy!

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